onsdag 22 juli 2009

Signing off

Like my man said, it's over....for now. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we have.
A few months from now when the cold and the snow is here I'm gonna go back and read this and just get that 1000 mile look where you actually can see all the good times again (or we just get the photos out ^^)

Thanks for reading - Elvis has left the building.

Ps. I (Martin) write stuff @ www.jagkanbloggaalla.blogspot.com
For now it's in english, but it varies depending on what mood I'm in. Peace. Ds.


tisdag 21 juli 2009

All @ home

Yeah, so now I'm at home too. Madrid was nice. Walking around town was nice. The dinners were nice. The gay pool was nice. Nice.

If you wanna know more, check the facebook photo album. It's all there. I don't have to write it here anymore as I am no longer away. Yeay... ;)

lördag 18 juli 2009

Not going home just yet

So beach buff no 1 is going home already? Not me, I'm staying two more nights!

Arrived in Madrid yesterday. Spent the entire day walking around Madrid and Guadalajara (1 hour by train from Madrid, it's where Gabriela's aunt lives). We had dinner with "Tia" and her family (husband, son and parents). Wonderful people, all of them. I think. I mean, they only spoke spanish, and my spanish not THAT good. But I THINK they said nice things. Atleast they looked nice while speaking. Ok, maybe enough with the explaining...

Day two, took a train to Toledo, which used to be the capitol of Spain (apparently). Old town with lots of beautiful buildings and SH*TLOADS of shops selling swords. Hundreds of them. Swords and armors. Really cool. I mean, it made me feel like I was 8 again. "Oh, look! A sword! Just like the one in Lord of the Rings! Oh, look! Another sword! Just like the one in Lord of the Rings! Oh, look!", and so on. It was a nice place...

Tonight we're going out for dinner. Where we do not know yet. We'll see. I'll let you know. ;)

Hasta luego!


fredag 17 juli 2009

On in, one out.

-They grab Ugarte and then she walks in. Sam, if it's december 1941 in Casablanca, what time is it in New York?

Yeah you read it right. I had to go Bogart on your ass.
It's time to leave the city of lights, Jim Morrison, the Dodgers and all those beautiful miles of beach.
Not to mention all the cool people who get to stay behind and keep doing it all.

Awesomeness is a start, but not nearly enough to sum up this experience. I've gotten to know sooo many cool people, done a lot of cool stuff and laughed so much that I think my jaw needs a bit of rest soon.
So tomorrow morning it's time to go east.
A part of me is liking the fact that I'm going home. But another part really, REALLY wants to stay.....or if it were possible, explore another continent.

But wishing don't make it happen and instead of doing that I'm gonna go home, upload all the pictures and videos from my camera, sit back with a few friends and reminisce on all the fun and start planning my next trip....somewhere.

Arrivederci! (right Ivan ^^)

torsdag 16 juli 2009

Just when you thought the fun was over...

You thought l'd left? Well ok, l did leave, but l have not given up! It's just that some of us has jobs to take care of. You know, responsibility. People depending on you. Any way, now l'm at the airport, waiting to board flight SK9556 to Madrid. Gonna meet up with a friend of mine and spend the weekend doing tourist stuff.

Will l get LA-drunk every night while l'm there? Most certainly not. I'm not kidding, l won't drink much at all. Why? Cuz l don't have to, that's why. This time l'm travelling with a beautiful girl. It's not like l'm with Martin anymore, where you HAVE to be drunk just to not go crazy! Ok, maybe that's not why, but it's my story and l'm sticking to it! So there...

NOT on your L.A tour list

My dad is a bit odd. Or just the way I am/wanna be as well.
Tonight we went to a Latino (I hope that's PC and not derogatory, if so, please tell me what the correct term is) place with a mariachi band and possibly the best Margaritas I've had so far.
It wasn't too crowded but we brought the diversity in color to say the least.
But hey, I'm cool about it and it's fun to do something else than the Hollywood sign and Santa Monica pier.

However the band took a break and they played a mix of hispanic (is that more correct?) and dance music.
All of a sudden Mystical's "Shake your ass" comes on as a afro american (I know I got that right) with a larger than average derriere who held him to his words.
And before you know it, this Latino guy was behind her, at least a foot shorter, but still.

Now, I don't know if you have seen the movie road trip but in it, Sean Willam Scott's character E.L get's some help when he's to donate sperm. What he says in THIS clip after about 2.05 into the clip was sorta how I felt when watching what transpired on that dance floor.
Stop, stop.....ok, keep going. I didn't really know whether to look away or keep looking.
It made my night at least.

Now, I'm just chilling out, having a beer preparing for a hard day in the sun with a book and a water/coke/beer/Margarita....in that order.

Like the man said:
I think I'm gonna get tanked.....tonight.

onsdag 15 juli 2009

Hole in.......

.....the head! And two aching feet later and I have officially made up for my golfing deficit.
If you didn't know it, I've only played once since arriving 3 weeks ago and that was a very successful round. How I did?
Glad that you asked. I shot an 82 which is very good since I usually play in the 90-95 stroke region.
Today I started of with 9 holes at the infamous, the classic, yes dare I say, THE LEGENDARY course Penmar. Par is 33 on this little beauty and I shot a 38 which is very good especially since you can't warm up (there is no driving range there).

After that I helped my dad out with some work he had to get done. So I did some pro bono work on my holiday. My spot in heaven is secured, or at least I skipped out of one ring in Dante's inferno.

Before the round we scarfed down some well deserved In & out burgers. I went all out and got the vanilla shake as well. In and out, please, PLEASE franchise in Sweden!!!

Going down Lincoln, high on life, in a good mood after the first 9 holes played, high on fat and sugar we head to Westchester to play another 15 holes.
Before heading out I "prepared" myself and as I was a man literally kicks the door open yelling:
-Hey man, you in here? Are you taking a shit??!!
Caught with my pants down (to what extent we leave out) I sorta baffled look over and a jolly, drunk....American (I can't describe him any other way) looks at me and says: Ah, not you dude. Carry on.

That was about as much fun that Westchester allowed me to have. I was quickly pulled of my high horse hitting the ground face down. Play was slow, I played like sh"t and the I wound up +18 on 15 holes.
What kept me going is the qoute I read the first time I played:
-A bad day at the course is still better than good day at the office.

And even though the last round was so-so, I still get my reward - Margaritas!!
Life is so fair.
Cheers frinds!

(btw, this was supposed to be a short blog, but I guess that's me in a nutshell.)